Medical expense tracker spreadsheet
Medical expense tracker spreadsheet

medical expense tracker spreadsheet

This tool resembles the Expenses and Income sections of the NYS Net Worth form mentioned above. In either case, open your file and type in your expenses, manually calculating and entering totals as you go. Open your Google Drive in your browser and upload the Word version into it. If you prefer to use Google Docs, first download the Word file to your hard drive. Download my Appendix G Expenses Worksheet Microsoft Word version (.docx) and save it to your hard drive.Manually write in your expenses, calculating totals as you go.


Download my Appendix G Expenses Worksheet PDF version.If you purchased my book and filled in the expense worksheet in Appendix G, or you’d just like to use that format, you have two options: My Appendix G expense worksheet does not contain a place to record income sources and amounts. It’s very similar to the expenses section of the NYS Statement of Net Worth form each spouse is required to provide as part of the divorce process. The Expense Worksheet in My BookĪppendix G of my book, A Better Not Bitter Divorce: The Fair and Affordable Way to End Your Marriage, contains an expense worksheet. Share your data with other professionals who are helping with the divorce (attorney, accountant, financial planner). Please double-check your calculations before making decisions or taking action.


While I’ve made every effort to ensure the accuracy of these tools, the full responsibility for their accuracy lies with the person who uses them. I offer two separate tools to help you with this task. Two Different Worksheets to Sort Through Your Money Mediation offers a neutral setting and good tools to explore what would be a difficult discussion at your kitchen table. Now, both parties may have to be more frugal because they will be living in separate homes. Eating out, vacations, and lots of activities for the kids were real options. It’s not unusual that the combined marital income supported a comfortable life with plenty of discretionary spending. Having those conversations while going through a divorce can be even harder because now that money may have to be shared across two households. Money is often a difficult topic in any marriage. Managing the Emotions Involved in Dealing with Money A comprehensive yet flexible and easy-to-use divorce budget worksheet is indispensable tool for gathering and working with that data. One of the biggest challenges in divorce mediation is helping a couple organize their money to support their separate lives.

Medical expense tracker spreadsheet